About Us - Visionaries Behind Boole.Shop

At Boole.Shop, innovation is not just a goal; it's a way of life. Our journey is fueled by the passion and expertise of our visionary founders, Karthik D and Srinivas Rowjee, whose combined brilliance forms the driving force behind our revolutionary digital products.

Karthik D - Co-Founder and Tech Prodigy

With a mind that operates at the intersection of technology and imagination, Karthik D is the mastermind behind Boole.Shop's groundbreaking products. With years of experience in AI research and software engineering, Karthik brings unparalleled technical acumen to the table. His relentless pursuit of pushing the limits of innovation has paved the way for products that seamlessly blend the realms of AI, user experience, and human-centric design.

Karthik's passion for creating products that not only serve a purpose but also evoke emotion is the driving force behind Boole.Shop's commitment to excellence. Through his leadership, the company has become synonymous with cutting-edge technology that transforms lives.

Srinivas Rowjee - Co-Founder and Creative Visionary

Srinivas Rowjee, the creative force behind Boole.Shop's design philosophy, is a true visionary artist. With a background in user experience design and a knack for turning complex concepts into intuitive experiences, Srinivas shapes the aesthetics and functionality of our products. His deep understanding of user behavior, combined with a keen eye for detail, ensures that every Boole.Shop product not only looks exceptional but also feels tailor-made for its users.

Beyond his design prowess, Srinivas's commitment to sustainability and ethical design practices drives Boole.Shop's dedication to responsible innovation. His belief that technology should enhance our lives while respecting the world we live in is at the heart of our product development process.

Together, We Shape the Future

Karthik D and Srinivas Rowjee's synergistic partnership forms the foundation of Boole.Shop's success. Their shared vision for a digital world that's not just smarter but also more meaningful is what propels us forward. With their expertise and leadership, Boole.Shop is poised to continue redefining industries, sparking innovation, and shaping a future where technology enriches the human experience.

Join Us on the Journey

Experience the transformative power of innovation through the eyes of Karthik D and Srinivas Rowjee. Explore our products and become a part of the Boole.Shop revolution as we build a digital landscape that's as limitless as our imagination. Together, we're rewriting the rules of what's possible.